Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Wishlist from the Couture Shows!

(...Or what missmilki is wearing in her own little fantasy world)

Some of Chanel’s fresh feminine modern girliness. Love the Chanel jacket/short skirt combos. Love the prettiness. And the casual feel given by the models wearing flats (shock horror!) Karl was obviously targeting a new younger wearer. Very Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl. (And oh so very me, dahling!)

Any of Dior’s extravagant jewel like theatrical gowns. Galliano can always be relied on for a good show. The make-up is fabulous and must have been lots of fun for the make-up artists! I particularly love this first dress.

A gothic ballerina skirt from Givenchy. This was a very wearable and very covetable collection. I could see myself in any of these outfits but I'd really like the first one!

Via Style and Vogue

1 comment:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Great choices! Oh, if one could only afford a couture wishlist!